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Message from the Principals 11/4/2022

Good morning, everyone!

Today we will discuss the following points:

1: Important Reminders

2: Parent Teacher Conference

3: Classroom Highlight

4: Special Highlight

5: Photos from the week

1: Important Reminders

  • All students should have at least 1 Maroon Polo shirt.

    • The Maroon Polo is used for field trips and Yearbook pictures

  • MAP testing will take place on Nov 21 & 22

  • NO SCHOOL for InterDivision Nov 23-28.

    • Nov 23 is PTC

    • Nov 24-25 is Thanksgiving

    • Nov 28 is Teachers work-day to prepare the report cards

  • School will be OPEN on Veteran's Day.

Thank you to all the parents that attended the IPC/IMYC Parent Workshop last night. I will upload the workshop videos in the blog next week.

2: Parent Teacher Conference

November 23rd will be our first 2022-23 Parent Teacher Conference. Parents can register for the PTC here. Here is a short video explaining how to register.

The PTC will be 15 minutes long. This first PTC is the opportunity for the Homeroom teachers to talk with you about your child's progress this year, how they have adapted to the new class, areas of achievement and improvement, and their development of the Personal Learning Goals.

There will also be time provided for you to ask questions to the homeroom teacher. Please note, we must follow the 15 minutes time window. If you have more questions beyond the allotted time, please feel free to email or request a follow up meeting with the teacher or Admin. Thank you and we look forward to talking with all of you!

3: Classroom Highlight

Our 8th Grade class had their exit point just before the Autumn Break. It was a wonderful example of the student extending their learning beyond the classroom. Their unit, "Identity" explored what it means to be an individual and part of a community. During their study they became interested in how different events around the world can affect one's identity. That inquiry evolved into their exit point. Below is the summary of the exit point written by the students:

"Before the conflict happened, the Syrian family in the story, plus Ronas and Hinaya, lived peacefully without any worries. They could freely express their culture and tradition, as well as how they lived their everyday lives. Because of the sudden civil war, they were forced to leave their homes in order to survive, and a member of their family died. As they were surrounded by chaos, they had to live constantly in hiding and be careful of their surroundings. The big idea of Identity refers to how our sense of self constantly changes through different interactions and impacts how we exist in the world. "One Week" connects to the Big Idea because when they were thrust into a war, they couldn’t live in peace like they used to, and as they go further away from home, they’re forced to leave their identity, including their traditions and culture behind, having to adapt to new cultures and the conditions they are in."

SDG connection: Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

The official goal is: “To make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. "One Week", a radio drama by the 8th Grade, is a story about a family who became refugees stuck in the midst of the Syrian Civil war. In relation to Goal 11, their community was ripped apart by a conflict much bigger than them, wounding people, physically and emotionally, who didn’t have any kind of effect or say on the matter. With this story, we’re trying to show you how victims of war are hurt.

4: Special Highlight

We are very happy to announce that our Grade 6 Student, Joseph Miyagi won the "Okinawa Elementary Gold Golf Tournament"! Congratulations Joseph!!!

5: Photos from the week

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