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Message from the Principals 12/15/2023

Good morning Hope Community!

Today's Topics: 1: Important Reminders 2: Learning Highlight - G5 Exit Point

3: Curriculum Focus - Research Tasks

4: House Points

5: Photos!!!

Important Reminders!

  • Dec 22 - Last day of 1st Semester.

    • Classes dismiss at 13:00

    • Pick up is between 1-2pm.

  • Dec 23-Jan 5 - Winter Break: (NO CLASSES)

  • Jan 8 - First day of Term 2

  • Jan 15 - MLK Jr. Day (NO CLASSES)

  • Feb 12 - Open School

Learning Highlight - G5 Exit point

On Monday the 11th of December, Grade 5 hosted their Exit Point on their recent International Primary Curriculum unit, 'What a Wonderful World' where they connected various subjects and applied the skills goals to learn about the Earth and its natural characteristics. We gathered knowledge about topics such as international organisations that aid during natural disasters, the phases of tectonic boundaries and weathering of rock. The Exit Point also allowed students to demonstrate a range of skills they had developed over the unit.

Students worked together in groups to present, demonstrating their collaboration skills, as well as using their “Thinker” skills to gain understanding at how the structure of the Earth changed over different periods. Through this, a range of displays were created, including a puzzle of Pangea, models of natural disasters, fruits to represent the change of seasons, clay models of rock phases and visuals of different biomes and landforms.

Curriclum Focus - Research Tasks

Last week we explored the next step of the Process to Facilitate Learning after the Entry Point - the Knowledge Harvest. After the Knowledge Harvest, students start to work their way through the tasks that make up the bulk of a unit - the Subject Learning Activities. These activities are a mini cycle within the flow of the unit and contain three types of tasks.

  • Research Activities

  • Recording Activities

  • Reflection Activities

The Subject Learning Activities always begin with a research activity. These activities are designed to make sure that children can access information in ways that are appropriate to them, drawing on a wide range of approaches such as role-play, digital learning, interviews, library research and so on. IPC research activities are experiential and exploratory. Some are collaborative; others are designed to develop individual enquiry and resilience, along with other personal goals. These tasks help the brain to learn knowledge, skills and understanding.

Next week we will continue exploring the Subject Learning Activities through the lens of Recording activities.

House Points:

Dragon: 3604 ➜ 3729 (Moved into first place this week!!)

Phoenix: 3611 ➜ 3718

Basilisk: 3226➜ 3327

Hydra: 2891 ➜ 2993


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