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Message from the Principals 11/17/2023

Good morning, Hope Community!

1: Important Reminders

2: 2023-24 Sports Day

3: Curriculum Focus - Entry Points

4: House Points

5: Photos of the week

1: Important Reminders

  • Thanksgiving - Nov 23-24 (NO SCHOOL)

  • Teachers' workday - Nov 27 (NO SCHOOL)

  • Sports Day - Dec 1st

  • MAP Test will take place on Dec 12-13

  • Dec 22 - Last day of 1st Semester.

    • Classes dismiss at 13:00

2: 2023-24 Sports Day!

Excitement is building at Hope as our students prepare for the much-anticipated Sports Day on December 1st! The energy and spirit of friendly competition are alive as students engage in dedicated practice sessions every Friday afternoon and during PE classes.

Event Details:

  • Date: December 1st

  • Time: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

We extend a warm invitation to all family members to join us in cheering on our students. To make the day even more festive, we encourage family members to wear the color associated with their child's house. It's a wonderful way to show support and strengthen the sense of community.

This Sports Day is also a chance for our four houses to vie for victory and earn up to 1000 house points!

For additional details, please refer to the email titled "Hope Sports Day 2023 - Family Attendance" sent on October 19th. We can't wait to see you there!

3: Curriculum Focus - Entry Points

This week we will discuss the Entry Point part of the learning process. An Entry Point is an activity at the start of a new unit of learning that serves as a way of giving the students an understanding of the new unit theme or Big Idea. Every Entry Point may look different - some may be small class activities, some may be whole day events, some may be field trips but the purpose of all of them remains the same - to get everyone excited about the new unit. The hook of the Entry Point is something all teachers can refer back to when building connections all throughout that unit.

A great example of an entry point was conducted by Mr. Yoshi in the Grade 2 class for the unit theme of “Feel the Force”. The Grade 2 class went on a field trip to Chatan Golf Park, allowing them to see and feel the practical impact of forces as they worked their way through the course. Mr. Yoshi will now be able to refer back to this fun and engaging Entry Point throughout his unit as an anchor and hook for his unit’s theme.

4: House Points

Phoenix: 2414 ➜ 2827

Dragon: 2140 ➜ 2615 (Moved up to 2nd Place!!)

Basilisk: 2154➜ 2531

Hydra: 1962 ➜ 2317

5: Photos of the week

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