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執筆者の写真School Account

Message from the Principals 12/8/2023

Good afternoon! Today's topics: 1: Important Reminders

2: International Cultural Day

3: Curriculum Focus - Knowledge Harvest

4: House Points

5: Photos of the week!

1: Important Reminders

  • MAP Test will take place on Dec 11-15

  • Dec 22 - Last day of 1st Semester.

    • Classes dismiss at 13:00

  • Dec 23-Jan 5 - Winter Break: (NO CLASSES)

    • Jan 8 - First day of Term 2

  • Jan 15 - MLK Jr. Day (NO CLASSES)

  • Feb 12 - Open School

2: International Cultural Day

Save the Date: International Cultural Day on May 24, 2024!

Following the completion of our Sports Day, classes will begin preparing for our upcoming International Cultural Day. Using their Friday afternoon "performance practice" time, each class will begin creating their presentations for a memorable showcase.

This event serves as a culmination of the Knowledge, Skills, and Understanding (KSU's) and personal learning goals developed throughout the school year.

International Cultural Day is a time to appreciate the diversity within our school and across the globe. It's a celebration that embraces the global spirit of our school community. Aligned with the IPC and IMYC, the event emphasizes international and global competency learning goals.

Every class at Hope International School will participate, presenting a variety of cultural expressions, including dances, plays, literature, and more.

Stay tuned for updates as we approach this event!

3: Curriculum Focus - Knowledge Harvest

In last week’s blog, we shared information about the Entry Point, which launches every new IPC and IMYC unit. This week, the focus is on the Knowledge Harvest, which follows the Entry Point in the structure of a unit (this is called the Process to Facilitate Learning)

The purpose of the Knowledge Harvest is to support teachers in planning an effective and relevant unit to their class. It is always designed in a way for the teacher to discover what the students in their class may already know about the upcoming topics, as well as finding out what they would like to know. This can happen in a number of ways such as games/activities, class discussion, visible thinking routines, individual questioning and many other methods. Based on the information that the teacher gathers in the Knowledge Harvest, they can then use this information to add to, further develop or even challenge the student’s existing knowledge throughout the unit.

Through the Knowledge Harvest, the teacher can identify the needs of their class and build their planning from this information.

4: House Points

Last week, we had over 350 people participate in our Sports Day. We want to thank everyone that attended and supported the event. Throughout the event the houses competed to earn up to 825 house points (including the Spirit award)!

Here are the Sports Day results:

Dragon: 580

Phoenix: 520

Basilisk: 440 (They won the Spirit Award!)

Hydra: 345

When added into the points earned so far this year:

Phoenix: 2827 ➜ 3611

Dragon: 2615 ➜ 3604

Basilisk: 2531➜ 3226

Hydra: 2317 ➜ 2891

Congratulations to everyone!

5: Photos!!!!





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