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執筆者の写真School Account

Message from the Principals 8/25/2023

Good morning, Hope Community! Today's topics: 1: Important Reminders

2: Curriculum Focus - Entry Points

3: Learning Highlight

4: House Points

5: Photos of the week

1: Important Reminders

  • Club Registration is OPEN! Please view the details in the email titled "Sem 1 Club Registration."

    • Sign up HERE (registration closes on August 27)

    • Acceptance is on a first-come first-served basis.

    • All clubs start September 5

  • 9/4 - Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)

  • First Parent Teacher Conference (PTC) will be on October 6

  • Sports Day date has changed from Nov 17 to December 1st

2: Curriculum Focus - Entry Points

This week our IPC students (Grades 1 - 5) and our IMYC students (Grades 6-8) had their first Entry Points. An Entry Point is an activity at the start of a new unit of learning that serves as a way of giving the students an understanding of the new unit theme or Big Idea. Every Entry Point may look different - some may be small class activities, some may be whole day events, some may be field trips but the purpose of all of them remains the same - to get everyone excited about the new unit. The hook of the Entry Point is something all teachers can refer back to when building connections all throughout that unit.

This week, the learners at Hope had a range of experiences for their Entry Points. This included tent building (Grade 1 - Buildings Unit), structure building challenges (Grade 6 - Balance Unit) and artistically expressing the visible and invisible sides of their sense of self (Grade 8 - Identity).

Please look at the photos shared this week for examples of the Entry Points in action.

3: Learning Highlight: Monthly Assemblies

At Hope International Academy, our monthly assemblies serve as a celebration of the school and the learning. These gatherings provide a platform for the classes to come together, reflect on our shared values, celebrate achievements, and embrace the rich diversity that defines us. Some of the topics we cover each month include:

PLG of the Month Spotlight

Each month, we shine a spotlight on one of our PLGs (Personalized Learning Goals). We delve into its significance, encouraging students to embrace these goals in their daily lives. By doing so, we reinforce the importance of personal growth and development.

Reinforcing School Rules and Behavior Expectations

Our assemblies are a time to reaffirm the core values and behavior expectations that make our school a safe and nurturing environment for learning. We remind students of the importance of respect, responsibility, and empathy, ensuring that these principles remain at the forefront of our school culture.

Sharing Classroom Learning

One of the highlights of our assemblies is the opportunity for students to share their classroom experiences. Whether it's a science project, a creative writing piece, or a special presentation, our students take the stage to showcase their learning journeys. This not only builds confidence but also fosters a sense of pride, accomplishment, and growth-mindset.

Fostering International Mindedness and Celebrating Diversity

Our diverse school community fosters an inclusive, international culture. In our assemblies, we prioritize international mindedness, encouraging understanding of diverse perspectives. We celebrate our multicultural tapestry through cultural presentations, language showcases, and heritage appreciation, valuing every culture. These efforts unite our community and prepare our students to thrive as global citizens who appreciate the world's rich diversity.

Recognizing School House Successes

Our school's House system encourages friendly competition and cooperation. Each month, we celebrate the achievements of our four school Houses, acknowledging their contributions to our school community. This sense of belonging and teamwork reinforces our shared values.

Our monthly assemblies are more than just gatherings; they are a reflection of our school's core principles. They serve as a reminder of our commitment to personal growth, unity, and the celebration of diversity. Through these assemblies, we continue to shape responsible, empathetic, and globally-minded citizens who will thrive in an ever-changing world.

Thank you for being part of our vibrant school community. We look forward to coming together each month to learn, grow, and celebrate.

4: House Points

Phoenix: 150

Dragon: 143

Basilisk: 125

Hydra: 119

5: Photos of the week





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