Welcome Back to School!
Today's topics:
Important Reminders
Week in review
Curriculum Focus - Safeguarding
PLG of the Month
House Points
Photos of the week
1 - Important Reminders
2023-24 YearBook Order is Open! Deadline for orders is Sept 2nd.
Please take note of the updated school year Calendar
Sept 2: Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)
Club Information & registration will be shared next week
Clubs will start Sept 16th
Japanese class (Prep - G8) will officially begin Sept 16th.
2 - Week in review
This first week back to school has been very busy! We hope that all the students are settling in and coming home with a smile on their face.
This week was spent helping students get oriented in their new class. Teachers took time explaining the expectations of the class, routines, and more. Students have had the opportunity to become familiar with the facilities and all the staff.
This afternoon we will hold our first Monthly Assembly. This is the time for the Elementary department and the Secondary department to meet and discuss various school wide topics.
The Assemblies often include:
School rules and policies the students should know
Introduction of new students (and teachers) to the school community
Upcoming School event information
A chance to celebrate our international community
Activities to support the PLG of the month
Student and Classroom Awards
House Points updates
And much more!
3 - Curriculum Focus - Safeguarding
Hope Safeguarding Policy Goal: “To help Hope students be and feel safe.”
Before the start of each year, Hope staff undergo an in-house training course on our school’s Safeguarding Policy (click here for the school’s current safeguarding policy.)
Teachers are also enrolled in the TES Online Safeguarding Workshop (click here for more information about TES.) This course provides attendees with all the latest practices in school safeguarding and ensures that we align with current best practices and international standards.
On top of staff training, over the next 2 months students will also been given grade-appropriate safeguarding training from our designated Child Safety Officer: Brian Bates. As one final step to help Hope students be and feel safe, we would like to ask that you as a family also talk with your child about safeguarding. Please feel free to use the slides linked here as a guide.
4 - PLG of the Month: Adaptable
During today’s Elementary and Secondary assemblies, Hope students will explore the Personal Learning Goal focus for this month, which is adaptability.
The following are some ways that Hope students can demonstrate this goal:
When exploring any new learning, students can approach tasks with an open-minded attitude, considering different context.
An adaptable student can take on different roles, share a variety of ideas and understand the right strategy to apply to a given situation.
Adaptability also considers how students manage their feelings, encouraging them to apply strategies to regulate their feelings appropriately to the situation they are in.
An adaptable student can recognize what has influenced their opinions and explore how new information can impact these opinions.
Adaptability in the IPC and IMYC focus on two key areas - flexibility, and metacognition.
A student embodying this goal will be able to have strategies to react to new situations they find themselves in, as well as having a strong awareness of the factors that influence their actions and opinions.
At home, you can discuss this focus by supporting your child in creating strategies for new and unfamiliar situations.
Before we share the house points, we just want to say a special Congratulations to the Yoo Family (Mr. SooEung, G4 homeroom) on the birth of their new baby!
5 - House Points
Basilisk - 100
Dragon - 95
Hydra - 89
Phoenix - 75