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執筆者の写真School Account

Message from the Principals 3/1/2024

Good morning, Hope Community!

Today's topics:

  1. Important Reminders

  2. Curriculum Focus -PLG of the month

  3. Hope Student Achievements

  4. New Staff

  5. House Points

  6. Photos of the week

Important Reminders:

  • Summer school registration will open next week!

  • Mar 15 - Hope Family Day

  • Mar 22 - Student-Lead Parent/Teacher Conferences - REGISTRATION OPEN!

  • Mar 22 - Parent Workshop: Hope High School Program/College and Careers Guidance

  • March 25 to April 2 - Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)

  • April 1 - Teachers' Professional Develpment (NO SCHOOL)

  • April 29 - Open School

Curriculum Focus -PLG of the month

During today’s Elementary and Secondary assemblies, Hope students will explore the Personal Learning Goal focus for this month, which is thinker.

The following are some ways that Hope students can demonstrate this goal:

  • When explaining a solution to a problem, they can give the reasons for the steps they have taken, using logic and intuition to support in justifying their conclusions.

  • They are able to take time to reflect on their learning, consider their strengths and use this information to help identify their next steps.

  • They are able to build upon the ideas of others, to further develop their own thoughts, using different perspectives to provide inspiration and insight.

  • They can ask questions that help them to extend their learning, using these questions to build connections across their subjects and their lives. 

A “Thinker” in IMYC and IPC covers four different key areas - critical thinking, metacognitive thinking, creative thinking and curious thinking. 

A student demonstrating the “Thinker” PLG will be able to understand the strategies they use in their learning that helps them solve problems, reflect on the steps they make to get there, identify opportunities for growth and extension through questioning, and use many different perspectives to support in this growth. 

At home you can support this month’s focus by asking your child to explain their learning and help them to identify ways they can grow further, challenge themselves and build connections. 

Hope Student Achievements

This week we want to congratulate one of our Founder students, Miku Touyama on her achievements! In February she passed Eiken 1, an English proficiency test often used as the core evaluation for Japanese people learning English. Miku is the second student at Hope to achieve Eiken 1 but she is the youngest so far!


House Points

Dragon: 4778 ➜ 4901

Phoenix: 4560 ➜ 4657

Basilisk:  4107 ➜ 4225

Hydra: 3905 ➜ 4005

Photos of the week