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執筆者の写真School Account

Message from the Principals 4/8/2022

Good morning Hope Community, we have a lot to share today! This post will include the following:

1: STEAM Fair winners

2: Upcoming Parent Workshops

3: Student work showcase

4: Personal Learning Goal of the Month

5: House Points Tally

6: Ryukyu Kajimaya EISA Group

7: New Teacher - Mr. SooEung

8: Photos from the week

9: Preschool graduation photos!

1: STEAM Fair winners

Group Winners for "most persuasive presentations by age group"

Asahi, Aira, Mirai Evelyn, Yuki, Iriana Ophelia, Kiseki, Caitlyn, Hiroki Gigi, Hikari, Tiara, Ayaka Allison, Karen, Evie, Allen,

Destin, Sean, Jericho, Roy

Each winner received 50 house points.

PLG Winners:

These awards were given out to one student in each class that exemplified one of the personal learning goals throughout the STEAM Fair: from preparation to the final event.

Aira - Resilient Arya - Thinker Kouta - Collaborator

Asaiya - Collaborator Aliyah - Resilient

Ayaka - Collaborator

Celina - Adaptable

Haruo - Resilient

Mikihiro - Thinker

Roy - Thinker

The Principals' Special Award goes to: Mikihiro for outstanding effort and original concept.

Each PLG winner received 25 house points. Congratulations to all of our winners!!

2: Upcoming Parent Workshops

We will hold 2 workshops on April 29th

  • From 3:00-4:00 Mr. Colin will hold an IPC/IMYC workshop.

  • From 4:00-5:00 Mr. Brandon will discuss 2 points:

    • MAP Test orientation / explanation

    • He will collaborate with all attendees on the next school year calendar. If you wish to have a direct impact on the school year calendar for 2022-23 please attend this meeting.

3: Student work showcase

For the 7th-grade history tasks, students explored the history of smallpox with an emphasis on mankind's struggle to eradicate the disease. As part of their learning goal "be able to explain the causes of, and results of different historical events, situations, and changes" four students (Riona, Mya, Deah, and Hinano) made a comic book about the history of smallpox.

Enjoy their original story and art work!!

4: Personal Learning Goal of the Month

Our Personal Learning Goal focus for the month of April is “Empathetic”. The Empathetic PLG focuses around managing emotions, understanding others perspectives’ and demonstrating compassion. The IPC and IMYC learning goals challenge the students to show they are empathetic learners by:

  • Understanding that the learning needs of other students may differ from their own and be supportive of this.

  • Consider the feelings of others and act appropriately based on this.

  • When making decisions, students should consider the risk of the decision considering the impact on themselves and others.

  • Take time to understand the commonalities and differences between their lives and those of others.

  • Demonstrate kindness and fairness to others and apply this mindset to the wider world.

5: House Points Tally

Phoenix: 4112

Basilisk: 4231

Hydra: 4379 (Moved into 2nd place!!)

Dragon: 4564

6: Ryukyu Kajimaya EISA Group

Yesterday, the Ryukyu Kajimaya group performed for our school. They are an amazing group that focuses on traditional Eisa dance and singing. They will be teaching our students the EISA dance for the International Cultural Day performance on June 17th! Please enjoy this video of their amazing, energetic performance yesterday (The dance starts at 5:10 timestamp)

7: Teacher Introduction

Mr. Soo Eung has joined our Hope Community as our new G1M homeroom teacher! Please join me in welcoming him to our school! I will allow him to introduce himself:

Haisai! My name is Soo Eung Yoo. I’m a South Korean, born and raised in Japan. I attended an international school from K-12 and completed a Bachelor of Education course in Australia. So far, I have taught in IB and English immersion schools in Okinawa and mainland Japan. I love spending time with my family, playing sports, cooking, learning, and helping others grow. “LIFE IS AN ADVENTURE” is my motto. I’m looking forward to learning, growing, and adventuring together with the HIA family!

8: Photos since March 14th (over 100!!)