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Message from the Principals 3/10/2023

Good morning Hope Community!!

Today's topics:

1: Important Reminders

2: Uniform Regulations

3: Learning Highlight

4: House Points

5: Photos of the week!

1: Important Reminders

  • Hope Family Day - March 17th.

    • An email was sent to all families last night with details!

  • Parent Teacher Conference - March 24th

    • Parent workshop will be held on March 24th from 4:00-5:00

  • Spring Break: March 27-31 (NO SCHOOL)

2: Uniform Regulations

We would like to remind everyone of our school uniform policy regulations. Our school uniform policy helps to create a sense of unity and pride among our students while also promoting a safe and inclusive learning environment.

On PE days: students are required to wear appropriate PE attire with the school PE t-shirt. This is important for safety reasons and to ensure that students are comfortable and able to participate fully in physical education classes.

On non-PE days: students are required to wear either the Maroon or Blue school polo shirt with bottoms that are navy blue, khaki, or black. Shorts, pants/slacks, or skirts are acceptable. Please note that cargo pockets and jeans are not allowed.

Socks should be neutral tones and shoes must be appropriate for playing and sports when students are outdoors. For indoor activities, students must have clean indoor shoes to wear.

We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that our students are dressed in accordance with our school uniform policy. By adhering to these regulations, we can maintain a professional and safe learning environment that allows our students to thrive.

3: Learning Highlight

Mr. Hugo Musset, a biologist from OIST, visited our grade 5 and 6 students to talk about cells as part of their ‘Being Human’ and ‘Structures’ units. Grade 7 also joined because many students had a particular interest in cells after learning about microbes in their ‘Courage’ unit. Students enjoyed hearing about the different types of cells in their bodies, as well as being able to answer some of the questions Mr. Hugo posed to them. Some students were particularly interested in learning that their bodies host many types of bacteria, that we can clone some animals, and what happens to cells after we die.

Thank you, Mr. Hugo, for helping spark our students' interests in Science!

4: House Points

Hydra: 3372 ➜ 3534

Basilisk: 3559 ➜ 3691

Dragon: 3938 ➜ 4192

Phoenix: 4230 ➜ 4418

5: Photos of the week!



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